
這幾天看到Yeh Phoenix在FB上分享這個HD的時候,因為最近在看舊約的時候也是讀到出埃及記這附近,就有感地點進去欣賞,之後突然看到畫面背景有卡通摩西的樣子,終於再次喚起ㄚ琪觀賞埃及王子這部動畫,也順便學一下英文。 歌詞及翻譯: Deliver us(帶我們離開) (Egyptian Guards)(埃及衛兵) Mud…Sand…Water….Straw….Faster!(泥、沙、水、稻草、快點!) Mud…And lift….Sand…And pull!(泥、舉起來、沙、拉起來!) Water…And raise up…Sraw…Faster!(水、升高來、稻草、快點!) (Slaves)(奴隸們) With the sting of the whip on my shoulder(我肩上帶著鞭打的刺痛) With the salt of my sweat on my brow(我頭上留著帶著鹽巴的汗) Elohim, God on high(哦!至高的神啊..) Can you hear your people cry:(祢聽見祢人民的呼喊了嗎?) Help us now(救我們吧!) This dark hour….(在這黑暗時期…) DELIVER US(送我們離開) Hear our call(聽我們的呼喊) Deliver us(送我們離開) Lord of all(全能的神) Remember us, here in this burning sand(記得我們,在這滾燙的沙上) Deliver us(送我們離開) There’s a land you promised us(有個地方是祢的承諾) Deliver us to the promised land(送我們到那美地) (Yocheved)(約基別:摩西的生母) Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach(希伯來語) Al i-ra veh al tif-chad(希伯來語) My son, I have nothing I can give(兒子啊!我沒有什麼可以給你的) But this chance that you may live(但這是一個你可以活命的機會) I pray we’ll meet again(我祈禱我們會再遇見) If He will deliver us(當祂送我們離開) (Slaves)(奴隸們) DELIVER US(送我們離開) Hear our call(聽我們的呼喊) Deliver us(送我們離開) Lord of all(全能的神) Remember us, here in this burning sand(記得我們,在這滾燙的沙上) Deliver us(送我們離開) Out of bondage and(脫離奴隸..) Deleiver us to the promised land…(並送我們到美地…) (Yocheved)(約基別:摩西的生母) Hush now my baby(靜靜的,我的寶貝) Be still, love, don’t cry(安靜乖乖的、不要哭) Sleep as you’re rocked by the stream(當作睡在小河流的搖床) Sleep and remember(一邊睡一邊記著..) My last lullaby(我這首搖籃曲) So I’ll be with you when you dream(這樣我就會在你的夢中) River, o river(河流啊河流..) Flow gently for me(請為我溫柔的流) Such precious cargo you bear(你載著這麼珍貴的寶貝) Do you know somewhere(你知道什麼地方) he can live free?(是他可以自由活著的) River, deliver him there…(河流啊…帶他到那兒…) (Young Miriam)(年輕的米立暗:摩西的姊姊) Brother, you’re safe now(弟弟啊,現在你安全了) And safe may you stay(你安全了,可以待下來了) For I have a prayer just for you:(現在我只為你祈禱) Grow, baby brother(好好長大,我的弟弟啊) Come back someday(有一天要回來) Come and deliver us too…(回來也帶我們離開) (Slaves)(奴隸們) Deliver us(帶我們離開) Send a sheperd to sheperd us(派一個牧羊者帶我們) And deliver us to the promised land(帶我們到那美地) Deliver us to the promised land(帶我們到那美地) (Yocheved)(約基別) Deliver Us!(帶我們離開) 在第一首歌Deliver us!這裡,ㄚ琪注意到了Elohim這個字,這個字根據維基的解釋是這樣的: 『埃洛希姆(希伯來語:אֱלהִים‎,英語:Elohim),又譯為以利、耶洛因、伊羅興,希伯來語中,以此來表達「神」的概念。也亦有時指異教的神 。…《馬太福音》27:46:「約在申初、耶穌大聲喊著說:以利、以利、拉馬撒巴各大尼。就是說、我的 神、我的 神、為甚麼離棄我。」』 當然在教會我最常聽到的就是以羅興這個名字了,還在苦思經文能不能找到,除了在馬太福音之外在馬可福音15:34也有『申初的時候,耶穌大聲喊著說:以羅伊!以羅伊!拉馬撒巴各大尼?翻出來就是:我的神!我的神!為什麼離棄我?』,所以也可譯成以羅伊。 promised land 應許地ㄚ琪在The Introduction of Why Did the Tower of Babel Fail?也提到了雅列人藉著信心到美洲大陸這個應許地的祝福。你想要的工作在哪裡?你想去的應許地在哪裡?你的幸福去哪裡找?當你相信的時候,你會找到祂。 不過重點還是在信心,所以回來看看歌詞: Many nights we prayed 許多夜晚我們禱告 With no proof anyone could hear 不確定神是否聽到 In our hearts a hopeful song 心中有首盼望之歌 We barely understood 超越我們所能明瞭 Now we are not afraid 如今我們不再恐懼 Although we know theres much to fear 儘管未來令人畏懼 We were moving mountains Long before we knew we could 早在我們明白以前 我們信心已能移山 (Oh yes) 喔是的 There can be miracles when you believe 當你相信 就能帶來神蹟 Though hope is frail its hard to kill 儘管盼望微弱 卻難以滅絕 Who knows what miracles you can achieve 祂明白你能行出奇蹟 When you believe, somehow you will 當你相信 你就能行 You will when you believe 當你相信 就能做到 (oh yeah) 喔 是的 End this time of fear 終結心中恐懼 When pray so often proves in vain 儘管禱告似乎徒勞 Hope seems like the summer birds Too swiftly blown away 盼望如同夏日小鳥驚恐而逃 Yet now im standing here 我仍要持守站立 My heart so full i cant explain 我心豐盛難以言喻 Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I’d say 我從未想過我能開口 尋求信心為神發聲 There can be miracles when you believe (when you believe) 只要相信 就能創造神蹟 Though hope is frail its hard to kill 儘管盼望微弱 卻難以滅絕 Who knows what miracles you can achieve (you can acheive) 祂明白你能行出神蹟 (能行神蹟) When you believe, somehow you will 當你相信 你就能行 You will when you believe 只要相信 你就能行 They don’t always happen when you ask 當你祈求就必得著 And its easy to give in to your fears (oh) 不必屈服恐懼之下 But when your blinded by your pain 我們總因苦痛盲目 You can see your way though the rain 經歷恩雨反能看見 All is stil, It’s in your voice, It says hope is very near 靜默之時祢的聲音 訴說盼望已然來臨 There can be miracles when you believe (when you believe) 只要相信 就能創造神蹟 Though hope is frail its hard to kill 儘管盼望微弱 卻難以滅絕 Who knows what miracles you can achieve (you can acheive) 祂明白你能行出神蹟 (能行神蹟) When you believe, somehow you will 當你相信 你就能行 You will when you believe 只要相信 你就能行 You will when you believe當你相信 你就能行 Just believe (2 times)… (oh yeah) 就是相信 單單相信 You will when you believe只要相信 你就能行 ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ 是的,那時你將會對神歌唱,我也要對神歌唱,因為祂將大獲全勝。 我也知道明日在首爾的教會聚會,必定有神的祝福。




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