C# Substring 定義及七種用法

年前也就是2013年苗栗三義劉德安的孫子也就是我寫了在C語言實現substr(),沒想到直到如今在Google上搜尋c#substring,會是排名第一的網頁,這真是始料未及的一件事,我猜C#的使用者應該會罵翻這篇文章對他沒有任何用處吧!哥寫C#工作也有三年多時間了,這回應該把我使用C# string Substring的經驗好好分享一下才是,Substring是取得部份字串的方法,底下我們就以Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2017, .NET Framework 4.7.2為例示範,來回答下面的問題:

  1. 從字串取得部份字串
  2. 從字串取得前面n個字元部份字串
  3. 取得部份字串從指定的 startIndex 處開始, endIndex:到指定的 endIndex處結束
  4. 取得某個字元後或前的部份字串
  5. 傳回字串第一次出現位置
  6. 取得兩字串間的部份字串
  7. 用字元分離字串再分離字串成部份字串
  8. C#對中文字串的擷取


1. C# String.Substring 方法


  1. Substring(Int32):從字串執行個體擷取部份字串。 部份字串會在指定的字元位置開始並繼續到字串的結尾。
  2. Substring(Int32, Int32):從字串執行個體擷取部份字串。 部份字串起始於指定的字元位置,並且具有指定的長度。





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// A long string
string bio = "Mahesh Chand is a founder of C# Corner. Mahesh is also an author, speaker, and software architect. Mahesh founded C# Corner in 2000.";
// Get first 12 characters substring from a string
string authorName = bio.Substring(0, 12);
// A long string string bio = "Mahesh Chand is a founder of C# Corner. Mahesh is also an author, speaker, and software architect. Mahesh founded C# Corner in 2000."; // Get first 12 characters substring from a string string authorName = bio.Substring(0, 12); Console.WriteLine(authorName);
// A long string    
string bio = "Mahesh Chand is a founder of C# Corner. Mahesh is also an author, speaker, and software architect. Mahesh founded C# Corner in 2000.";    
// Get first 12 characters substring from a string    
string authorName = bio.Substring(0, 12);    


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// Get everything else after 12th position
string authorBio = bio.Substring(12);
// Get everything else after 12th position string authorBio = bio.Substring(12); Console.WriteLine(authorBio);
// Get everything else after 12th position     
string authorBio = bio.Substring(12);    


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using System;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// A long string
string bio = "Mahesh Chand is a founder of C# Corner. Mahesh is also an author, " +
"speaker, and software architect. Mahesh founded C# Corner in 2000.";
// Get first 12 characters substring from a string
string authorName = bio.Substring(0, 12);
// Get everything else after 12th position
string authorBio = bio.Substring(12);
using System; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // A long string string bio = "Mahesh Chand is a founder of C# Corner. Mahesh is also an author, " + "speaker, and software architect. Mahesh founded C# Corner in 2000."; // Get first 12 characters substring from a string string authorName = bio.Substring(0, 12); Console.WriteLine(authorName); // Get everything else after 12th position string authorBio = bio.Substring(12); Console.WriteLine(authorBio); Console.ReadKey(); } }
using System;    
class Program    
    static void Main(string[] args)    
        // A long string    
        string bio = "Mahesh Chand is a founder of C# Corner. Mahesh is also an author, " +    
            "speaker, and software architect. Mahesh founded C# Corner in 2000.";    
        // Get first 12 characters substring from a string    
        string authorName = bio.Substring(0, 12);    
        // Get everything else after 12th position     
        string authorBio = bio.Substring(12);    

3.取得部份字串從指定的 startIndex 處開始, endIndex:到指定的 endIndex處結束

Substring方法的第一個參數是部份字串開始的索引,第二個參數是包括空白字元在內的字元數,可以使用String. Length找出字串結束的位置。


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// Get a string between a start index and end index
string str = "How to find a substring in a string";
int startIndex = 7;
int endIndex = str.Length - 7;
string title = str.Substring(startIndex, endIndex);
// Get a string between a start index and end index string str = "How to find a substring in a string"; int startIndex = 7; int endIndex = str.Length - 7; string title = str.Substring(startIndex, endIndex); Console.WriteLine(title);
// Get a string between a start index and end index    
string str = "How to find a substring in a string";    
int startIndex = 7;    
int endIndex = str.Length - 7;    
string title = str.Substring(startIndex, endIndex);    


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// Get next 15 characters from starting index
string title15 = str.Substring(startIndex, 15);
// Get next 15 characters from starting index string title15 = str.Substring(startIndex, 15);
// Get next 15 characters from starting index    
string title15 = str.Substring(startIndex, 15);





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// Get a substring after or before a character
string authors = "Mahesh Chand, Henry He, Chris Love, Raj Beniwal, Praveen Kumar";
string stringBeforeChar = authors.Substring(0, authors.IndexOf(","));
// Get a substring after or before a character string authors = "Mahesh Chand, Henry He, Chris Love, Raj Beniwal, Praveen Kumar"; string stringBeforeChar = authors.Substring(0, authors.IndexOf(",")); Console.WriteLine(stringBeforeChar);
// Get a substring after or before a character    
string authors = "Mahesh Chand, Henry He, Chris Love, Raj Beniwal, Praveen Kumar";            
string stringBeforeChar = authors.Substring(0, authors.IndexOf(","));            


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// Get a substring after a character
string stringAfterChar = authors.Substring(authors.IndexOf(",") + 2);
// Get a substring after a character string stringAfterChar = authors.Substring(authors.IndexOf(",") + 2); Console.WriteLine(stringAfterChar);
// Get a substring after a character     
string stringAfterChar = authors.Substring(authors.IndexOf(",") + 2);    



使用String.IndexOf方法找出字串中部份字串的位置,這是c# 搜尋字串常用的方法,程式範例如下:

int firstStringPosition = authors.IndexOf(“Henry”);



下面範例是找出‘Henry’ 跟 ‘Beniwal’之間的字串:

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// Get a substring after or before a character
string authors = "Mahesh Chand, Henry He, Chris Love, Raj Beniwal, Praveen Kumar";
// Get a substring between two strings
int firstStringPosition = authors.IndexOf("Henry");
int secondStringPosition = authors.IndexOf("Beniwal");
string stringBetweenTwoStrings = authors.Substring(firstStringPosition,
secondStringPosition - firstStringPosition + 7);
// Get a substring after or before a character string authors = "Mahesh Chand, Henry He, Chris Love, Raj Beniwal, Praveen Kumar"; // Get a substring between two strings int firstStringPosition = authors.IndexOf("Henry"); int secondStringPosition = authors.IndexOf("Beniwal"); string stringBetweenTwoStrings = authors.Substring(firstStringPosition, secondStringPosition - firstStringPosition + 7); Console.WriteLine(stringBetweenTwoStrings);
// Get a substring after or before a character    
string authors = "Mahesh Chand, Henry He, Chris Love, Raj Beniwal, Praveen Kumar";            
// Get a substring between two strings     
int firstStringPosition = authors.IndexOf("Henry");    
int secondStringPosition = authors.IndexOf("Beniwal");    
string stringBetweenTwoStrings = authors.Substring(firstStringPosition,     
    secondStringPosition - firstStringPosition + 7);    


這個部份字串會包括‘Henry’ 跟 ‘Beniwal’這兩個字串,你可以試著增加第一個參數的位置及縮短第二個參數的值來調整。


使用 String.Split方法來分隔字串成字串陣列,你可以進一步找出字串的一個字元,再取出一個部份字串。


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// Extract value of each attribute
string author = "Name: Mahesh Chand, Book: C# Programming, Publisher: C# Corner, Year: 2020";
string[] authorInfo = author.Split(‘,’);
foreach (string info in authorInfo)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", info.Substring(info.IndexOf(": ") + 1));
// Extract value of each attribute string author = "Name: Mahesh Chand, Book: C# Programming, Publisher: C# Corner, Year: 2020"; string[] authorInfo = author.Split(‘,’); foreach (string info in authorInfo) { Console.WriteLine(" {0}", info.Substring(info.IndexOf(": ") + 1)); }
// Extract value of each attribute    
string author = "Name: Mahesh Chand, Book: C# Programming, Publisher: C# Corner, Year: 2020";    
string[] authorInfo = author.Split(‘,’);    
foreach (string info in authorInfo)    
    Console.WriteLine("   {0}", info.Substring(info.IndexOf(": ") + 1));    


以上範例取自Substring in C#










在C#中有很多辦法可以做到,介紹一種最簡便的方法,利用 System.Text.Encoding.Default 的 GetBytes 函式和 GetString 函式。

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private string SubStrByByte(string str, int start, int length)
int len = length;
int byteCount = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetByteCount(str);
if (len > byteCount)
len = byteCount;
var strBytes = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str);
string substr = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(strBytes, start, len);
if (substr.EndsWith("?"))
var c = str.Substring(substr.Length - 1, 1);
if (!c.Equals("?"))
substr = substr.Substring(0, substr.Length - 1);
return substr + "...";
private string SubStrByByte(string str, int start, int length) { int len = length; int byteCount = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetByteCount(str); //修改最大長度,防止溢位 if (len > byteCount) { len = byteCount; } var strBytes = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str); string substr = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(strBytes, start, len); //對於半個中文字元的特殊處理 if (substr.EndsWith("?")) { //判斷原字串是否包含問號 var c = str.Substring(substr.Length - 1, 1); if (!c.Equals("?")) { substr = substr.Substring(0, substr.Length - 1); } } return substr + "..."; }
private string SubStrByByte(string str, int start, int length)
    int len = length;
    int byteCount = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetByteCount(str);
    if (len > byteCount)
        len = byteCount;
    var strBytes = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str);
    string substr = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(strBytes, start, len);
    if (substr.EndsWith("?"))
        var c = str.Substring(substr.Length - 1, 1);
        if (!c.Equals("?"))
            substr = substr.Substring(0, substr.Length - 1);
    return substr + "...";

這種中文字串的長度使用(String.Length 屬性)及擷取似乎騙過很多人,我的同事在做考績表的表單程式時,也誤判了這個長度,導致使用者一致輸入錯誤的長度,跟SQL儲存欄位有牽扯時,更容易被搞混。在微軟的String.Length 屬性網頁中,有特別備註說明,列舉於下給各位參考:


Length屬性 Char 會傳回這個實例中的物件數目,而不是 Unicode 字元數。 原因是 Unicode 字元可能會以一個以上的字元表示 Char 。 使用 System.Globalization.StringInfo 類別來處理每個 Unicode 字元,而不是每個字元 Char 。

在某些語言中,例如 C 和 c + +,null 字元表示字串的結尾。 在 .NET 中,null 字元可以內嵌在字串中。 當字串包含一或多個 null 字元時,它們會包含在總字串的長度中。 例如,在下列字串中,子字串 “abc” 和 “def” 會以 null 字元分隔。 Length屬性會傳回7,表示它包含六個字母字元以及 null 字元。

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string characters = "abcu0000def";
Console.WriteLine(characters.Length); // Displays 7
string characters = "abcu0000def"; Console.WriteLine(characters.Length); // Displays 7
string characters = "abcu0000def"; 
Console.WriteLine(characters.Length); // Displays 7

※2022/04/08 後記 c# contains用法

可以參考最近翻譯的c# contains用法及程式碼範例

大叔最新分享C# List 定義及七種常用方法,這篇C#教學裡文章裡的contains可以幫你處理c# string find substring的問題,有需要可以點擊查詢閱讀,如果有建議想要問的,可以直接留言給我!


SUBSTRING ( expression ,start , length )

範例:在MySQL BLOB和TEXT型態這篇文章裡有SUBSTRING的範例可以參考。


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C# List 定義及七種常用方法




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