這是建築的永恆之道的第八章特質本身,前言這樣寫『而當建築具有此— 生氣,它就成了自然的— 部分。就像海浪或是草葉,其各部分由萬物皆流而產生的無盡的重複和變化的運動所支配。這便是特質本身。』全文一樣可以在建筑的永恒之道——第八章 特质本身(1)、建筑的永恒之道——第八章 特质本身(2)閱讀,ㄚ琪不再贅述。
當一個城市或建築充滿生氣時,我們總可以認識到其活力—— 不僅在那裡出現的明顯的快樂中,不僅在其自由和鬆弛中,而且也在其純物理形式之中。
“ 自然的特徵” 不僅僅是詩一般的隱喻,它恰恰是非人為世界中所有事物共同的形態特徵,幾何特徵。』
作者可能發現這樣無法滿足解釋,所以嘗試用比較的說法來解釋,這個對比就是”模數化”。一開始ㄚ琪不太懂什麼是模數化?後來對照英文的說明是”modular”,這樣ㄚ琪就比較懂了,而且還常用在推銷程式的口頭禪上,現代好像是一個講究模組化的世界,讓人覺得這好像是最有效率的一種方式,而在英文維基上,我們也可以發現Modular building的說明,對建築來說,模組化的說明更清楚了↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
Modular buildings and modular homes are sectional prefabricated buildings, or houses, that consist of multiple sections called modules. The modules are six sided boxes constructed in a remote facility, then delivered to their intended site of use. Using a crane, the modules are set onto the building’s foundation and joined together to make a single residential, or commercial, building. The modules can be placed side-by-side, end-to-end, or stacked up to 4 stories in height, allowing a wide variety of configurations and styles in the building layout.
Modular buildings, also called prefabricated buildings, differ from mobile homes, which are also called manufactured homes, in two ways. First, modular homes do not have axles or a frame, meaning that they are typically transported to their site by means of flat-bed trucks. Secondly, modular buildings must conform to all local building codes for their proposed use, while mobile homes, made in the United States, are required to conform to federal codes governed by HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development). There are some residential modular buildings that are built on a steel frame (referred to as on-frame modular) that do meet local building codes and are considered modular homes, rather than mobile homes. [1] A key point to be reiterated is that modular is a construction method and not a type of home.
1 ,同一的大的特點保持一次次重複出現。
2 ,在它們的細節上決沒有哪兩個大的特點相同。
最終的情形是,要達到這一點,要使一個東西具有自然的特徵,忠實於其中所有的力,要脫開你自己,要任其自然,排除你自我想像的干預—— 所有這一切需要我們認識到它的一切都是短暫的,都在流逝。
當然,自然本身也總是短暫的。樹木、河流、嗡嗡的昆蟲—— 它們都是短暫的, 它們都將過去。然而對這些東西的存在我們從來沒有感到傷心。不管它們是多麼短暫,它們使我們感覺到幸福、快樂。