找出IT產業的蠢事-20年來高科技行銷的大災難的第三章-縮水產品的陰霾,第三章提到 IBM 到 IBM PC 成功之後,又發表了一款縮水次級功能的 PC Junior 來攻佔家庭市場,結果大為失敗。這是一個很常見的市場行銷錯誤,把產品的關鍵功能拿掉,產生一個便宜的次級品,消費者是不會選擇這種沒有價值的產品的。而 IBM 持續推出過時的電腦,也讓他逐漸退出 PC 的市場。
這一節ㄚ琪並沒有學到什麼重點,但是DOA(dead on arrival),這個詞彙至少看到兩次,應是作者喜用的字彙。
這裡頭提到,Peanut的始末,它的英文維基『The IBM PCjr (read “PC junior”) was IBM‘s first attempt to enter the home computermarket. The PCjr, IBM model number 4860, retained the IBM PC‘s 8088 CPU and BIOSinterface for compatibility, but various design and implementation decisions led the PCjr to be a commercial failure.』
據作者說,『這台昂貴醜陋電腦的最後一個明顯毒瘡是令人感到噁心的”chiclet”鍵盤』。這種Chiclet keyboard竟然維基也有英文的說明:『A chiclet keyboard or island-style keyboard is a computer keyboard built with an array of small, flat rectangular or lozenge-shaped rubber or plastic keys that look like erasers or “Chiclets“, a brand of chewing gum manufactured in the shape of small squares with rounded corners. Most often the tops of the keys were hard, but sometimes they were made of the same material as the rubber dome itself. For example, the keys on Sinclair ZX Spectrum computers were “rubber dome keys” which were sometimes described as “dead flesh”, while the “American” version of the Timex Sinclair 2068 was described as having “chiclet keys”. Chiclet keyboards are characterized by having each key surrounded (and held in place) by a perforated plate, so there is a space between the keys.
Since the mid-1980s, chiclet keyboards have been mainly restricted to lower-end electronics, such as small handheld calculators, cheap PDAs and many remote controls.』看了維基的圖片之後,只能對這種鍵盤搖頭了。
這裡提到了IBM犯了兩個錯誤,一不能瞭解Silicon Beast的力量 — 這是IBM自己帶入業界的力量。作者建議可以用”圍而擴之”的策略,Microsoft就運用這個策略來迎接”開放”標準的挑戰,並將這些標準轉換成Microsoft可以控制和行使權威的專有技術。
第二個錯誤是『IBM實施了不合理的縮水式市場行銷術(subtractive marketing)。所謂的”縮水式市場行銷術”指的是將一款成功產品去掉層層功能,直到迥然不同也遠次於原始產品的新產品出現。然後縮水式市場行銷者祭出他的第二次創造,即以”稀有”或”省錢”訴求來宣傳”縮水”產品,但從未奏效過。如果讓消費者來選擇,他們當然會拒絕那些”敗絮其中”的東西。”縮水”產品可不會提高其價值!』
作者也有一套解決的方法,就是”建構趨向”(building toward)的市場策略,感覺很像Windows ME的手法。作者提到可以增設遊戲搖桿、附贈遊戲、使用單鍵立即進入遊戲、”一觸式”螢幕關閉等功能。