坐下的英文 sit down

今天我們要學一個簡單的英文:sit down 中文:坐下


同義詞: take a seat
反義詞: stand up, get up

例句:Please , sit down to your work . 請坐下來工作。


1.to be in a sitting position or get into a sitting position 坐着; 坐下
Come over here and sit down ! 到這邊來坐下!
If you work sitting down , you need to take plenty of exercise . 如果你都是坐着工作﹐你就需要大量的體育鍛鍊。

2.sit down and … -to try to solve a problem or deal with something that needs to be done, by giving it all your attention 坐下來〔專心解決或認真研究〕
I think we need to sit down and analyse these figures properly . 我想我們有必要坐下來好好分析分析這些數字。
Maybe if you sat down and talked it through you could reach an agreement . 要是你們坐下來好好談談﹐也許就能達成一致的意見。

如果sit down中間加了個連結符號,變成sit-down,就又變成另一個英文字了,中文就是「靜坐抗議」,而且通常是「(通常不合法)在工作場所靜坐罷工」之類的抗議。


1.sit-down meal/dinner/lunch etc -a meal served to people sitting at a table 〔由服務員端上〕坐在飯桌邊吃的一頓飯/晚餐/午餐等
a sit – down meal for 20 people 供20人吃的一頓飯
2.sit-down strike/protest -a protest in which people sit down, especially to block a road or other public place, until their demands are listened to 〔尤指在道路等公共場所舉行的〕靜坐罷工/靜坐抗議





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