今天從John Chow的Getting Out Of The Google Supplemental Index讀到他的Supplemental有1790頁是重複內容的。
首先,先跟大家說明Google Supplemental Index是什麼東西?英文的維基有Supplemental Result的說明:『Supplemental Result is a URL residing in Google’s supplemental index, a secondary database containing pages of less importance, as measured primarily by Google’s PageRank algorithm.
The importance of a page is measured by the number and quality of links pointing at it.The degree to which Google trusts a site’s inbound links also influences the importance of a page. If Google detects paid links, for example, it will devalue the links or nullify them completely so that PageRank will not pass to the target page.
A supplemental page will still rank in search results, but only if there are not enough pages in the main index that are returned within the search.』在SEO 部落格 : 網路行銷及網路賺錢也有對Google Supplemental Index的介紹,『Google 的補充索引 (supplemental index) 是 Google 在它的主要索引 (main index) 之外的一個索引。』
我們可以在Google 的網站打入 ‘site:[網站名]‘ 的指令,然後看結果。如果一個網頁的URL之後有標明 『補充資料』,那就代表這個網頁是在補充索引之內。
ㄚ琪大概知道這些意思就迫不期待的下載SEO for Firefox plugin來測測看,
這下可好,工作達人上沒有Supplemental,不過總讓人感覺有點不妥,所以注意看看維基的說明,『Google used to place a “Supplemental Result” label at the bottom of a search result to indicate that it is in the supplemental index; however in July 2007 they discontinued this practice and it is no longer possible to tell whether a result is in the supplemental index or the main one.』原來在2007年七月Google已經停用了這項服務了,難怪找不到,呵呵,本來想說藉由這個指標可以作為工作達人處理一些比較差的頁面或文章的一個方法,現在沒有了,只能說Google把ㄚ琪視為寶的工具都一一拿掉了,像之前的字典也是如此。