Use Operator Overloading Judiciously

C++ Primer 4/e在Defining an Overloaded Operator這個地方有一個警告:『Each operator has an associated meaning from its use on the built-in types. Binary +, for example, is strongly identified with addition. Mapping binary + to an analogous operation for a class type can provide a convenient notational shorthand. For example, the library string type, following a convention common to many programming languages, uses + to represent concatenation”adding” one string to the other.

Operator overloading is most useful when there is a logical mapping of a built-in operator to an operation on our type. Using overloaded operators rather than inventing named operations can make our programs more natural and intuitive. Overuse or outright abuse of operator overloading can make our classes incomprehensible.

Obvious abuses of operator overloading rarely happen in practice. As an example, no responsible programmer would define operator+ to perform subtraction. More common, but still inadvisable, are uses that contort an operator’s “normal” meaning to force a fit to a given type. Operators should be used only for operations that are likely to be unambiguous to users. An operator with ambiguous meaning, in this sense, is one that supports equally well a number of different interpretations.

最佳練習:When the meaning of an overloaded operator is not obvious, it is better to give the operation a name. It is also usually better to use a named function rather than an operator for operations that are rarely done. If the operation is unusual, the brevity of using an operator is unnecessary.』

中文版的這樣寫:『每個運算子都有其相應於built-in types的相關意義。例如二元的+運算子總是被視為加法,因此把這個運算子施行於class type可以讓讀者從符號上就輕易理解操作意義。例如標準庫的string型別遵循了被很多編程語言奉行的約定,以+代表串接動作,把某個字串加至另一個字串。









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