

cl /MT /nologo /Fepdftoppm.exe Annot.obj Array.obj BuiltinFont.obj BuiltinFontTables.obj Catalog.obj CharCodeToUnicode.obj CMap.obj Decrypt.obj Dict.obj Error.obj FontEncodingTables.obj Function.obj Gfx.obj GfxFont.bj GfxState.obj GlobalParams.obj JArithmeticDecoder.obj JBIG2Stream.obj JPXStream.obj Lexer.obj Link.obj NameToCharCode.obj Object.obj Outline.obj OutputDev.obj Page.obj Parser.obj PDFDoc.obj PDFDocEncoding.obj PSTokenizer.obj SecurityHandler.obj SplashOutputDev.obj Stream.obj UnicodeMap.obj UnicodeTypeTable.obj XRef.obj pdftoppm.obj ..splashsplash.lib ..fofifofi.lib ..gooGoo.lib ..freetype-2.3.1freetype2.lib shell32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _strncpy 已在 LIBCMT.lib(strncpy.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _strrchr 已在 LIBCMT.lib(strrchr.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _memmove 已在 LIBCMT.lib(memmove.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _malloc 已在 LIBCMT.lib(malloc.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _realloc 已在 LIBCMT.lib(realloc.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _free 已在 LIBCMT.lib(free.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _fclose 已在 LIBCMT.lib(fclose.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _fread 已在 LIBCMT.lib(fread.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _fseek 已在 LIBCMT.lib(fseek.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _ftell 已在 LIBCMT.lib(ftell.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _fopen 已在 LIBCMT.lib(fopen.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _qsort 已在 LIBCMT.lib(qsort.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _sprintf 已在 LIBCMT.lib(sprintf.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _strncmp 已在 LIBCMT.lib(strncmp.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _isdigit 已在 LIBCMT.lib(_ctype.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _atol 已在 LIBCMT.lib(atox.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR90.dll) : error LNK2005: _isxdigit 已在 LIBCMT.lib(_ctype.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(ti_inst.obj) : error LNK2005: “private: __thiscall type_info::type_info(class type_info const &)” (??0type_info@@AAE@ABV0@@Z) 已在 LIBCMT.lib(typinfo.obj) 中定義過了
MSVCRT.lib(ti_inst.obj) : error LNK2005: “private: class type_info & __thiscall type_info::operator=(class type_info const &)” (??4type_info@@AAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z) 已在 LIBCMT.lib(typinfo.obj) 中定義過了
LINK : warning LNK4098: 預設的程式庫 ‘MSVCRT’ 與其他使用的程式庫衝突,請使用 /NODEFAULTLIB:library
pdftoppm.exe : fatal error LNK1169: 找到有一或多個已定義的符號

後來Google到Linker Tools Warning LNK4098
defaultlib “library” conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library


The table below shows which libraries should be ignored depending on which run-time library you want to use.
To use this run-time library
Ignore these libraries
Single-threaded (libc.lib)
libcmt.lib, msvcrt.lib, libcd.lib, libcmtd.lib, msvcrtd.lib
Multithreaded (libcmt.lib)
libc.lib, msvcrt.lib, libcd.lib, libcmtd.lib, msvcrtd.lib
Multithreaded using DLL (msvcrt.lib)
libc.lib, libcmt.lib, libcd.lib, libcmtd.lib, msvcrtd.lib
Debug Single-threaded (libcd.lib)
libc.lib, libcmt.lib, msvcrt.lib, libcmtd.lib, msvcrtd.lib
Debug Multithreaded (libcmtd.lib)
libc.lib, libcmt.lib, msvcrt.lib, libcd.lib, msvcrtd.lib
Debug Multithreaded using DLL (msvcrtd.lib)
libc.lib, libcmt.lib, msvcrt.lib, libcd.lib, libcmtd.lib

原创 关于LNK4098MSDN中的一些说明收藏

Linker Tools Warning LNK4098
defaultlib “library” conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
You are trying to link with incompatible libraries.
Important The run-time libraries now contain directives to prevent mixing different types. You’ll receive this warning if you try to use different types or debug and non-debug versions of the run-time library in the same program. For example, if you compiled one file to use one kind of run-time library and another file to use another kind (for example, single-threaded versus multithreaded) and tried to link them, you’ll get this warning. You should compile all source files to use the same run-time library. See the Use Run-Time Library (MD, /ML, /MT, /LD) compiler options for more information.
You can use the linker’s /VERBOSE:LIB switch to determine which libraries the linker is searching. If you receive LNK4098 and want to create an executable file that uses, for example, the single-threaded, non-debug run-time libraries, use the /VERBOSE:LIB option to find out which libraries the linker is searching. The linker should print LIBC.LIB and not LIBCMT.LIB, MSVCRT.LIB, LIBCD.LIB, LIBCMTD.LIB, or MSVCRTD.LIB as the libraries searched. You can tell the linker to ignore the the incorrect run-time libraries by typing the incorrect libraries in the Ignore Libraries text box on the Link tab of the Settings dialog box in Developer’s Studio or by using the /NODEFAULTLIB:library option with LINK for each library you want to ignore. See the Ignore Libraries (/NODEFAULTLIB) linker option for more information.
The table below shows which libraries should be ignored depending on which run-time library you want to use.
To use this run-time library
Ignore these libraries
Single-threaded (libc.lib)
libcmt.lib, msvcrt.lib, libcd.lib, libcmtd.lib, msvcrtd.lib
Multithreaded (libcmt.lib)
libc.lib, msvcrt.lib, libcd.lib, libcmtd.lib, msvcrtd.lib
Multithreaded using DLL (msvcrt.lib)
libc.lib, libcmt.lib, libcd.lib, libcmtd.lib, msvcrtd.lib
Debug Single-threaded (libcd.lib)
libc.lib, libcmt.lib, msvcrt.lib, libcmtd.lib, msvcrtd.lib
Debug Multithreaded (libcmtd.lib)
libc.lib, libcmt.lib, msvcrt.lib, libcd.lib, msvcrtd.lib
Debug Multithreaded using DLL (msvcrtd.lib)
libc.lib, libcmt.lib, msvcrt.lib, libcd.lib, libcmtd.lib

引起我的注意,我猜我在建置時可能選錯了方案組態,所以我將Release改成Release Multithreaded重新建置後,再重新編譯xpdf可真的成功了!!沒有錯誤接下來就試試看能不能使用了!




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