


1 ½ 磅 綠色蔬菜(蕪菁或芥菜、商苣等)洗淨
1 瓣 大蒜,剁碎
½ 杯 烤乾的芝麻粒或芝麻粉
1 個 柳橙,切片(裝飾用)


  • 將綠色蔬菜蒸到幾乎燘熟。
  • 起鍋熱油,用溫火將大蒜和綠色蔬菜炒勻。
  • 在每一份餐點上,灑上湯匙的芝麻粒或芝麻粉,最後將裝飾用的柳橙薄片排在最上面或盤邊。


1 ½ pounds greens (turnip or mustard greens, collards, etc.), trimmed
Olive oil for Sautéing
1 clove garlic, minced
½ cup toasted sesame seeds or meal
1 orange, sliced (for garnish)


  • Steam the greens until barely wilted.
  • Heat oil and briefly saute greens with garlic.
  • Sprinkle one heaping table spoon of sesame seed meal on each serving and garnish with orange slices on top or around edges.

– See more at: http://smallplanet.org/recipes/greens-sesame-seed-topping-and-orange-slices#sthash.DTFSIdK2.dpuf


1 ½ pounds greens (turnip or mustard greens, collards, etc.), trimmed
Olive oil for Sautéing
1 clove garlic, minced
½ cup toasted sesame seeds or meal
1 orange, sliced (for garnish)


  • Steam the greens until barely wilted.
  • Heat oil and briefly saute greens with garlic.
  • Sprinkle one heaping table spoon of sesame seed meal on each serving and garnish with orange slices on top or around edges.

– See more at: http://smallplanet.org/recipes/greens-sesame-seed-topping-and-orange-slices#sthash.DTFSIdK2.dpuf


1 ½ pounds greens (turnip or mustard greens, collards, etc.), trimmed
Olive oil for Sautéing
1 clove garlic, minced
½ cup toasted sesame seeds or meal
1 orange, sliced (for garnish)


  • Steam the greens until barely wilted.
  • Heat oil and briefly saute greens with garlic.
  • Sprinkle one heaping table spoon of sesame seed meal on each serving and garnish with orange slices on top or around edges.

– See more at: http://smallplanet.org/recipes/greens-sesame-seed-topping-and-orange-slices#sthash.DTFSIdK2.dpuf


1 ½ pounds greens (turnip or mustard greens, collards, etc.), trimmed
Olive oil for Sautéing
1 clove garlic, minced
½ cup toasted sesame seeds or meal
1 orange, sliced (for garnish)


  • Steam the greens until barely wilted.
  • Heat oil and briefly saute greens with garlic.
  • Sprinkle one heaping table spoon of sesame seed meal on each serving and garnish with orange slices on top or around edges.

– See more at: http://smallplanet.org/recipes/greens-sesame-seed-topping-and-orange-slices#sthash.DTFSIdK2.dpuf


1 ½ pounds greens (turnip or mustard greens, collards, etc.), trimmed
Olive oil for Sautéing
1 clove garlic, minced
½ cup toasted sesame seeds or meal
1 orange, sliced (for garnish)


  • Steam the greens until barely wilted.
  • Heat oil and briefly saute greens with garlic.
  • Sprinkle one heaping table spoon of sesame seed meal on each serving and garnish with orange slices on top or around edges.

– See more at: http://smallplanet.org/recipes/greens-sesame-seed-topping-and-orange-slices#sthash.DTFSIdK2.dpuf


1 ½ pounds greens (turnip or mustard greens, collards, etc.), trimmed
Olive oil for Sautéing
1 clove garlic, minced
½ cup toasted sesame seeds or meal
1 orange, sliced (for garnish)


  • Steam the greens until barely wilted.
  • Heat oil and briefly saute greens with garlic.
  • Sprinkle one heaping table spoon of sesame seed meal on each serving and garnish with orange slices on top or around edges.

– See more at: http://smallplanet.org/recipes/greens-sesame-seed-topping-and-orange-slices#sthash.DTFSIdK2.dpuf




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