

禮物 : 舊社會中交換的形式與功能這一本書是ㄚ琪在閱讀工作與組織行為到第2章 瞭解工作→2.2 工作中的關係→二、關係的本質→(四)交換時彭博士引用的一本書,英文維基這樣說明↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

The Gift is a short book by the French sociologist Marcel Mauss and is the foundation of social theories of reciprocity and gift exchange.
Mauss’s original piece was entitled Essai sur le don. Forme et raison de l’échange dans les sociétés archaïques (“An essay on the gift: the form and reason of exchange in archaic societies”) and was originally published in L’Année Sociologique in 1925. The essay was later republished in French in 1950 and translated into English in 1954, first, by Ian Cunnison and, in 1990 by W. D. Halls.



俗話說:「吃人的嘴軟,拿人的手短」,別人請你吃飯,送份禮物給你,都希望得回些什麼。小的禮物為了維持普通的關係,大的禮物則為了增進重要的關係,例如在許多社會,婚姻成了建立和鞏固關係的手段。法國人類學李維史陀(Lévi-Strauss)認為:「親戚和婚姻是聯盟系統,在此種系統中,最珍貴的禮物是妻子,所以妻子是最有效的交換禮物,以保證聯盟及社會整合。」人類學家毛斯(Marcel Mauss)在其著作《禮物》(The Gifts)中分析:「贈禮的本質連帶著義務和利益。所決定的權力和優勢緊緊相連,受贈者需負起相當的義務來作為回報,互惠是社會已強化的規範。」


克勞德·李維史陀(Claude Lévi-Strauss,法語讀音: [klod levi stʁos]; 1908年11月28日-2009年11月1日)是著名的法國人類學家,他所建構的結構主義與神話學不但深深影響人類學,對社會學、哲學、語言學等學科也有深遠的作用。

人類學家毛斯(Marcel Mauss)英文的維基這樣寫↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

Marcel Mauss (10 May 1872 – 10 February 1950; pronounced /mo:s/) was a French sociologist. The nephew of Émile Durkheim, Mauss’ academic work traversed the boundaries between sociology and anthropology. Today, he is perhaps better recognised for his influence on the latter discipline; particularly with respect to his analyses of topics such as magic, sacrifice and gift exchange in different cultures around the world. Mauss had a significant influence upon the founder of structural anthropology, Claude Lévi-Strauss. His most famous book is The Gift (1923).





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