Could not login with user ID #0

羊小排元年十月二十三日出生69天,滿兩個月了應該可以試試他的牽引反應(traction response),將兒子自仰臥姿勢拉起至垂直的坐姿,可見頭部後仰,但會有短暫向前挺直的動作。越過鉛垂線後頭部向前傾,軀幹為弧形。如果後仰太厲害,需小心追蹤是否發育遲緩。解決兒子的工作後,再來看看ㄚ琪琪的家工作好了,三個月前做了一下整理,一下子時間就又過去了,發現drupal 7.41都出來了,系統也出現提醒升級的字眼,查了一下如何從7.38升級到7.41,發現Drupal upgrade the easy way提到的方式不適合於我,因為太多錯誤了,看來要重找方法。

改用方便的Update Drupal core with Drush,結果第一個指令drush en update,就失敗了,出現了

Could not login with user ID #0. This is typically caused by [error]
importing a MySQL database dump from a faulty tool which
re-numbered the anonymous user ID in the users table. See for help recovering from this

這樣的錯誤,尋提示的網址查,才知道之前錯刪了 anonymous user ID,只好再重建

INSERT INTO users (name, pass, mail, theme, signature, language, init, timezone) VALUES (”, ”, ”, ”, ”, ”, ”, ”);
UPDATE users SET uid = 0 WHERE name = ”;

之後繼續用drush up drupal執行

You have pending database updates. Run `drush updatedb` or   [warning]
visit update.php in your browser.
System  7080  Convert the ‘format’ column in {date_format_locale} to
case sensitive varchar.
Do you wish to run all pending updates? (y/n): y
Performed update: system_update_7080                         [ok]
‘all’ cache was cleared in drupal7                           [success]
Finished performing updates.                                 [ok]

雖然有提示要drush updatedb,但是我看到後面有提示成功的訊息。測試一下網站,看到成功升級到7.41了,下一次要弄佈景了,現在非常地亂說。




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